Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Hormones & Home Insulation

I started the day off listening to a phone call Nikki had with a graphic designer who is working with us on a new client's website.

Not only is this client new to us -- they are opening their doors in less than a month!

Usually at Frozen Fire, we have developed a marketing campaign before creating a website, however, due to the short amount of time we have, we are already working on the website.

Nikki gave me some very useful information today - that when it comes to designing a website from scratch, design and layout comes before copy and content - I honestly thought that it would have been the other way around... that you would plan out how the website is going to look based on the information you want to get across.

I listened to Nikki as she spoke with the designer. In front of her was a website 'map' that she had previously created in collaboration with the graphic designer that walked through each page of the website. As I listened, I realized how much detail goes into a website, whether it be for a doctor or for a fashion magazine -- a lot of thought goes in. Nikki and the designer had already decided that they wanted a scroll section on the homepage - but of what they were not sure. They did not know what content was to be put on each of the three pages, but they already knew that it would be a good addition to the front page and its content - whatever that may be!
After sitting in on this meeting and then later going on to websites for other projects, I've found myself analyzing each page I've come to and asking myself why they decided to put what where.

Going on to later projects -- I helped Pete with keyword research for two clients. I went onto the websites of competitors for both clients and made lists of keywords that I saw occurring over and over again -- honestly, I know so much about air conditioning and testosterone after today. Go me.
It was a pretty good exercise actually because I wasn't depending on internet tools to tell me what words were best. Pete sent me WooRank reports for both clients, but I was mostly just reading each page of the websites (it took a very long time) and writing down each keyword and then at the end, seeing which words were most used cumulatively.

Nikki then had me look at a draft of Frozen Fire's marketing packages page, which consisted of the definitions and descriptions of each of our services. I only did some tweaking because whoever wrote it did a beautiful job - that might sound silly because I'm talking about a simple document, but Mr. Hagood, my high school English teacher, would be proud. He was all about getting a message across in the least amount of words possible (yet with strong rhetoric).

Anyway, it was a good and eventful day, full of home insulation and hormones.

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