Thursday, July 24, 2014


Today was even more eventful than Tuesday, if you can believe it!

I didn't know until the end of Tuesday that I would actually BE in Frozen Fire's video. Remember? The one I choreographed a dance for on Tuesday?

Well, today I had the privilege of walking around downtown Dallas with the Frozen Fire film team to interview people for our explainer video and to show them the "Gem Spin" (that's the dance).

My main task was to be the "DJ" and play the song over and over so that Trae (thankfully not me!) could do the dance for the onlookers. 

People's reactions to a 6'4 guy walking over to them with a posse of camera people following behind were priceless. From time to time, people would cross the street to get away from us, however everyone would stop whenever Trae started to do the "Gem Spin" (probably because it is so fabulously wonderful and is the next Gangam Style or 'twerk'). 

Before we left for the shoot I was able to edit a blog that Nikki wrote, but most of my day was comprised of following the film crew around and be looked at by scared pedestrians. 

It was a good experiment though, not just a fun day out of the office. I'm not sure if I can disclose yet what the point of the video is, but it serves to prove a point - one that will draw more people to our business. 

The funny thing is that while they had me, the intern, choreograph the dance due to my modest dancing background, Nikki would most likely have been the one to choreograph it had I not had a background at all. It goes to show that while interns have to do often weird and silly things, these things would have to be done by the actual employees of a company when there is no intern. I realized that although Nikki and Liz  typically exercise their usual tasks within their fields (if that made any sense...), they would have to (and probably have had to) do some strange things in their careers. 

Not everything is concrete, and life is definitely going to throw some curveballs at me in my career - and this was a fun reminder of that! :)

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